Meet BRAG Writers

Brandon T. Bennett
Chief Editor and Poet

Brandon is Chief Editor of BRAG Writers Literary Magazine. Brandon's vision is why we are all on this journey. His preferred writers include Robert M. Pirsig, Kerouac, Ted Hughes, Bukowski, and Seamus Heaney. Brandon graduated with a First Class Honours in Creative Writing from MMU. His Debut Poetry Pamphlet 'Peat and Other Soils' was released by Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers 01/05/2024.
Notable Publications:
Brandon's poem (Temper Of) The Swan was longlisted for the Live Canon 2021 International Poetry Prize.
Sinai was longlisted for the Live Canon 2023 International Poetry Prize.
The Cosomological Principle[...] was published in the Broken Sleep Books 2024 Masculinity Anthology.
the devil's bridge and morning in a city were both recently published by San Diego's Midsummer Dream House.
Peat and Other Soils, Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers
Twitter: @BrandonThomasB
Instagram: @brandontbennett
Linktree: brandontbennett

Will S. Barnard
Poetry Editor

Our Poetry Editor Will S. Barnard. A Newcastle University graduate, Will Barnard looks forward to “eating your poems.” His favourite poets include Plath, Emily Berry, Anne Carson, and Hughes. A fan of marram grass and distrusts the internet.
He currently resides in Glasgow where he is working on his first pamphlet.
Will Barnard is an award-winning poet.
Twitter: @WilliamSBarnar1
Instagram: @crunchtymebby

Mr. Kaolan O'Connor
Editor of Smoke-Long Horror

Kaolan O’Connor is our in-house miscreant and Editor of Smoke-Long Horror. He’s ready to “inspect your bin bag bodies and pick at your soul.” Favourite writers include Neil Gaiman, Hunter S Thompson, and Franz Kafka. Kaolan is a graduate of the vanguard Creative Writing group at MMU.
From Brighton and living in Manchester, Kaolan is working on his first full-length Novel.
Twitter: @KaolanC
Instagram: @kaolaaan

Reginald K Bolton
Writer and Tech Wizard

Reggie Bolton is a creative tech wizard. Over the past few years Reggie has worked on owning his dyslexia, and developing a distinct style which he has coined ‘Dyslexic Nouveau’. Reggie is to thank for the mechanics and sleek set-up of our website, and he's excited to show the world what he has to offer. Favourite writers include Philip K. Dick, Hunter S. Thompson, and Anthony Burch. Reggie recently graduated with a First Class Honours in Creative Writing from MMU.
Twitter: @Reggiebolton3
Instagram: @Reggie_Bolton