Submit to BRAG Writers Literary Magazine

We are currently open for submissions.
01/02/2022 - 15/04/2022
Why not browse our available issues?
Submission Guidance
- Your poetry submission should be no longer than one poem per page, and three poems in total (apart from a sequence of small poems, such as haikus).
- Contain the submitters full name and email address at the top of each page.
- Should be sent as ONE single PDF file named as followed:
- Font size: 12
- Typeface: Georgia.
- Submit your work to our Poetry Editor, Will S. Barnard, at management.brag@gmail.com.
Smoke-Long Paranoia:
- Things for Issue II are different. BRAG is looking for your Paranoia Fiction. We want the best work from our uncanny world.
- Should be sent as ONE single PDF or Word file named as followed:
- Font size: 12
- Typeface: Georgia
- Line spacing: 1.15
- Submit no more than 600 words, to our Smoke-Long Fiction Editor, Kaolan O'Connor, at management.brag@gmail.com.
Short Fiction:
- Our Editors want the best of your short fiction, your 'Anything Human'
- Should be sent as ONE single PDF or Word file named as followed:
- Font size: 12
- Typeface: Georgia
- Line spacing: 1.15
- Submit up to 2,000 words of your best short fiction, to Editors Brandon T. Bennett & Rebecca Barber, at management.brag@gmail.com.
Please, send us your work in an A5 document. This will speed up the editing process and help us move into a material Issue 4 that bit smoother.
Please, let us know how you found out about BRAG.
Along with your submission, send a short third-person bio / cover letter in the main body of the email. Do not include this as a separate document.
In the subject bar include your name and category of submission.
The best way to find out what BRAG is about is to buy a copy. Not only will this give you a better idea about what you're getting into, but also support an independently funded up-and-coming magazine.
Do note that at this time (other than to put your name in a beautiful print publication) we are unable to compensate you for your work. However, we have plans for the future.