The BRAG Poetry Prize

View the shortlist here.
The BRAG Poetry Prize is CLOSED.
1st Place - £100 and publication.
2nd Place - £25 and publication.
3rd Prize - Publication.
A proportion of any proceeds we may make will find their way to our chosen Peat Conservation Charity.
Submission Rules & Guidance:
- Entry fee is £5 per poem, or £3 for students or unwaged individuals. Please provide proof of payment in the form of your order number within your submission email.
- If you have ever purchased a copy of BRAG, you are entitled to an additional two free entries on top of your first paid entry. Simply provide us with your order number.
- Your submission should be no longer than one poem per page. All work should be your own, and previously unpublished.
- Anything submitted outside of the submission window will not be considered, and refunds will not be considered.
- Contain the submitters full name and email address at the top of each submission.
- Should be sent as ONE single PDF file named as followed:
- Submit your work to our editors, Will S. Barnard & Brandon T. Bennett, at management.brag@gmail.com.
Please, let us know how you found out about BRAG.
Please, follow our guidelines carefully
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