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The Long Road to Issue III

It has been some time since the release of Issue II: Anything Human. Longer than we would have liked here at BRAG HQ, and it has been one wild ride from start to finish. The success of Issue II got us excited to jump back in, but a mixture of finishing our degrees, work, and even covid-19 caught up with us. We are, however, on route. As we speak, Reggie and Kaolan are pulling it all together on Photoshop and InDesign, a pair of untrained graphic designers in dank rooms spilling their heart and souls into the last integral threads of the literary magazine, making sure the stitches line up nicely, as neatly as they possibly can do.

Issue III

BRAG Issue III: 'What Matters Now?' is smaller, more concise issue. This magazine doesn't include Smoke-Long Paranoia, but hosts familiar names such as Carson Wolfe, D. Caldwell, and Maria Carmen. Issue III will continue to boast our celebrated poetry, short fiction, and interviews. It also features a new Asemic Drawing from Luby Cunningham (@LubyArt on twitter), and fresh Dyslexic Nouveau. And, of course, is the first issue of BRAG literary magazine to list new advocate Nicholas Royle.

The Future of BRAG

As a literary magazine based out of Manchester, it's nice to know that we have drawn submissions from all over the world, and sent copies out there too. As we progress we will see the introduction of more support and perks for past contributors, as well as the launch of poetry and short fiction prizes down the line. As a few of our members have already had run ins with the virus, we will refrain from hosting in person events for the time being.

What Matters Now?

'Where Has It Gone?', 'Anything Human', and now, 'What Matters Now?' It is therefore fair to assume that you are wondering that same thing. To us, what matters now is one another. BRAG. That fabled human kindness, resilience, and gumption that pulls us through what can all too often be a terrible life. The road to success, to achieving your goals, when it isn't handed to you on a silver platter, is a long one. But remember, as Hunter S. Thompson once wrote, 'don't take any guff from those swine.'

Support BRAG

To support BRAG: Buy BRAG. We don't currently have any other form of income than the sales of the magazine, and will never ask for handouts. This means that the best way to see BRAG from one issue to the next is to support us. Shop Issue I and II for just £6.99 each today. For larger orders and stocking enquiries, don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing

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